brain on a chip
to clinic

Decode brain activity, predict drug efficacy, improve lives

A unique platform that integrates functional measurements from brain organoids with advanced AI analysis to estimate the efficacy of drugs for neurological and psychiatric disorders.

Rethinking drug development for better outcomes

In the realm of neurological and psychiatric disorders, traditional drug development methods are failing us. Animal models, particularly mice, often do not predict human outcomes accurately.

3.4 billion

People affected by neurological and psychiatric disorders globally
(43.1% of global population)

Itay and Beyond


Of drugs developed on mice fail in human clinical trials


New drugs
FDA-approved for neurological and psychiatric disorders in 20 years


Success rate in translating preclinical studies to clinical trials

Itay and Beyond
Revolutionizing drug discovery:

The Itay&Beyond platform

Welcome to the future of neurological and psychiatric drug development –
where human-derived mini-brains meet cutting-edge AI.

Our innovative platform combines patient-derived brain organoids, advanced AI technology, and unparalleled functional readouts to break the deadlock
in drug discovery.

Connected lines - Itay and Beyond
Patient-derived brain organoids - Itay and Beyond

Patient-derived brain organoids

Miniature 3D replicas of human brains grown from patient cells, providing a more accurate model than traditional animal testing.

Itay and Beyond
Functional readouts - Itay and Beyond


EEG-like measurements and other advanced techniques provide unprecedented insights into drug efficacy and brain function.

Itay and Beyond
Drug efficacy prediction - Itay and Beyond

Drug efficacy prediction

Unparalleled drug and compound efficacy prediction based on electrophysiological readouts combined with advanced AI analysis.


Detection of abnormalities in organoids for precise analysis.
Drug testing and predictive modeling for effectiveness in correcting identified abnormalities.
Versatile platform adaptable to a broad spectrum of neuropsychiatric and neurological disorders.

Drug development process: applications for future therapies

Advancing drug development: from concept to market

Expanding intellectual property:
Exploring novel mechanisms of action (MOA) and identifying new molecular targets and biomarkers for drug development.
Phase 1
Accurate drug efficacy predictions:
Early-stage accurate prediction of efficacy, before toxicity and safety studies.
Phase 2
Phase 3
Study design optimization:
Improved evaluation of exclusion and inclusion criteria, to enhance the likelihood of successful outcomes.
Post approval
Increasing revenue from approved compounds:
Repurposing and indication expansion to maximize the market potential of approved drugs.

Pioneering autism research

Starting with low-functioning Autism disorders and expanding to other pathologies

Hadassah University Medical Center

Our groundbreaking work in autism, conducted in collaboration with Hadassah University Medical Center, showcases the power of our platform to revolutionize neurological research and drug development.

In our studies, we successfully distinguished between organoids derived from individuals with autism and those from neurotypical individuals. We also tested on additional pathologies such as epilepsy.

Our research is based on clinical samples from volunteers on the autism and neurodevelopmental spectrum. Contact us to check your eligibility for participation.

Our pipeline

Itay&Beyond revolutionizes neuropsychiatric drug discovery by combining brain organoids, dynamic brain function measurement, and AI analysis. Our platform predicts drug efficacy early in development, reducing failures in human trials and accelerating drug discovery. This approach offers new hope to millions affected by neurological and psychiatric disorders, providing an efficient path to developing treatments for a wide range of conditions.

Itay and Beyond
Itay and Beyond

About us

About Itay and Beyond

Itay&Beyond was founded by Mr. Shmulik Bezalel and inspired by his son Itay, who has Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Recognizing the limited therapeutic options for neuropsychiatric disorders, Mr. Bezalel joined forces with Mr. Boaz Goldman and Dr. Nisim Perets to establish the company.

Our expert team

Led by pioneers in neuroscience and biotech, Itay&Beyond combines cutting-edge expertise with a passion for transforming lives.

Dr. Nisim Perets - Itay and Beyond
Dr. Nisim Perets

 Co-Founder and CEO

Dr. Nisim Perets

Distinguished neuroscientist with high-impact publications and innovative research in drug development.

Mr. Shmulik Bezalel - Itay and Beyond
Mr. Shmulik Bezalel

Co-Founder and Investor

Mr. Shmulik Bezalel

Visionary entrepreneur inspired by personal experience to revolutionize autism research.

Mr. Boaz Goldman - Itay and Beyond
Mr. Boaz Goldman

Co-Founder and Investor

Mr. Boaz Goldman

Seasoned entrepreneur and investor with a track record of nurturing groundbreaking technologies.

Itay and Beyond
Dr. Nisim Perets - Itay and Beyond

Dr. Nisim Perets

 Co-Founder and CEO

Distinguished neuroscientist with high-impact publications and innovative research in drug development.

Mr. Shmulik Bezalel - Itay and Beyond

Mr. Shmulik Bezalel

Co-Founder and Investor

Visionary entrepreneur inspired by personal experience to revolutionize autism research.

Mr. Boaz Goldman - Itay and Beyond

Mr. Boaz Goldman

Co-Founder and Investor

Seasoned entrepreneur and investor with a track record of nurturing groundbreaking technologies.

Our advisory board

Dr. Ruth Tal-Singer - Itay and Beyond
Dr. Ruth Tal-Singer

Former VP Innovation at Global GSK

Dr. Frida Grynspan - Itay and Beyond
Dr. Frida Grynspan

Head of Innovation Center at Lonza Israel

Arie Karmer - Itay and Beyond
Arie Karmer

CEO Takeda Israel

Ronen Levi - Itay and Beyond
Ronen Levi

Former CEO of Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Dr. Orit Shaked - Itay and Beyond
Dr. Orit Shaked

Led the $110M investment in Pfizer

Prof. Ariel Tenenbaum - Itay and Beyond
Prof. Ariel Tenenbaum

Head of Children’s Neurological Dept., Hadassah

Looking for partners to transform your drug development?

Ready to revolutionize your approach to drug discovery? Collaborate with us and harness cutting-edge technology to achieve more efficient, accurate, and ethical research.

Itay and Beyond
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Itay and Beyond